Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Butterflies are Free!!

We set them all free. I did not want to
be responsible for the death of 5 butterflies. Elizabeth understood that they needed to be free but she was still sad. When she goes outside she tries to look for them.

Friday, November 7, 2008

We Have Butterflies!!

For Elizabeth's birthday she received this cage and a certificate to get some caterpillars that will later turn into butterflies. But since it was sooo hot in July we had to wait to receive the caterpillars in the mail. we did have caterpillars that ate & ate & ate until they got really big (in about a week) and turned into cocoons and now we have butterflies (5 to be exact). You can see in the pic a butterfly wing towards the back and two cocoons hanging from the piece of paper. It was a thrilling experience. We might have to do it again.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boston's Playgroup

Boston loves his playgroup and playing with his friends: Logan, Chase & Tommy. Today they played outside and made fingerpaint pumpkins.

Elizabeth's Dance

Elizabeth and the girls in her Dance Class (Ivannah, Jessica & Jayne)

Elizabeth & Dad are having fun at Dance too.

Elizabeth's Piano Recital

Elizabeth's fall piano recital. We hope you like it. We are sure proud of her.