Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Family Pictures!!

Thank you Jeremy & Jo for doing a great job on our pictures.
We love them!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Westwood Little League Players at the Ballpark

Boston and some of his T-Ball teammates are getting ready to walk on the Diamondback Field.
Go Green Monsters!!!
This was our first baseball game together as a family and we actually had a blast! Even Elizabeth wanted to stay for the entire time. Brian wants to buy season tickets now.

Congratulations Elizabeth!

Elizabeth won 1st Prize in her class at school for her 3 dimensional artwork.
Hurray for Elizabeth!!!!
We are so proud of her.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Think My Dad Is Dracula

I think my dad is Dracula.
I know that sounds insane,
but listen for a moment and
allow me to explain.

We don't live in a castle,
and we never sleep in caves.
But, still, there's something weird
about the way my dad behaves.

I never see him go out
in the daytime when it's light.
He sleeps all day till evening,
then he leaves the house at night.

He comes home in the morning
saying, "Man, I', really dead!"
He kisses us good night, and then
by sunrise he's in bed.

My mom heard my suspicion
and she said, "You're not too swift.
Your father;s not a vampire.
He just works the graveyard shift."

Cute poem...huh? This is our life for awhile.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Boston and Elizabeth got to dance with Baloo during breakfast.

Chip even came by to say hi too!!!

Boston got to make his own monster truck at Downtown Disney!!

And then drove a car at Autotopia!!!

Halloween 2009

This year Boston was Handy Manny and Elizabeth was Gabriella from High School Musical. Mommy even dressed up this year as a green witch!!!

Well, it is about time to post some pictures!!! Since the summer, we have had Halloween, a Disneyland trip and Christmas so they are all added into the post together. Hopefully we will update this more often this year.

Elizabeth took an equestrian class at the zoo this year. She absolutely LOVED it!! It was a 4 week class and before they could ride the horses on the last week, they were taught all about the care and maintenance like brushing, feeding, and cleaning the stalls. Can u guess what she wants for her birthday?